What To Expect At Your First Appointment - Physical Therapy
The initial visit for a Physical Therapy appointment will take up to 60 minutes. During this scheduled session, the physical therapist will take a detailed history, complete a thourough exam to determine the cause of your pain or dysfunction. Following the exam, we will discuss all treatment options available. A typical plan will usually consist of follow up visits 1-2 times a week for 3-4 weeks. Follow up sessions are 40 minutes and include manual therapy including soft tissue and/or joint manipulation/mobilization, dry needling, and corrective exercises. Changes to daily routines that may be aggravating your symptoms can include modifications to your current exercise program, work station, or training regime. You will remain with one physical therapist throught your enire treatment program.
What To Expect At Your First Appointment - Chiropractic
The initial visit for a Chiropractic appointment will take up to 40 minutes. During this scheduled session, the chiropractor will take a detailed history and complete a thourough exam to determine the cause of your pain or dysfunction. Following the exam, we will discuss all treatment options available. A typical plan will usually consist of follow up visits 1-2 times a week for 2-3 weeks. Follow up sessions can range from 20-30 minutes and can include chiropractic manipulation/mobilization, Active Release Techniques (ART), dry needling, and corrective exercises. Changes to daily routines that may be aggravating your symptoms can include modifications to your current exercise program, work station, or training regime. In some cases, we will send the patient out for advance imagining (X-Ray or MRI) if it is deemed medically necessary.
*Please bring comfortable clothing to your first appointment. If you are coming to us with a running injury or foot pain, please bring the shoes you wear most often for daily activities and/or running.